Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Jill Broke A Rule

Jill Broke A Rule..........

I knew it was coming - just not today.
December is a busy month for almost everyone.
So many things to keep track of,- shopping, Christmas Cards,
Christmas concerts, work, home, working on being a better wife,
remembering all the rules we agreed upon and much more.

Well, Daddy Jack told me to blow out the Christmas candle.
"No problem - I'll do it in a minute." I answered - went upstairs and
promptly forgot all about the candle.

Jack was busy working, but when he came upstairs
"Didn't you forget something?" Oops - I had  promised
to blow out the candle, and didn't.

I had a million and one excuses for not doing what was asked of me.
I could see it in his eyes - I broke a rule..........No I broke two - 
well to be honest  - I broke 3.
I didn't obey a simple request, I did something dangerous and I showed a lack of respect
for my beloved Jack by trying to worm my way out of what I rightfully deserved - a spanking.

I really felt bad about these two (OK -  three)  infractions and apologized for my bad behavior.
After a spanking with his hand, his wooden spatula and ending with the leather
paddle, I promised I would try much harder to be a loving and respectful wife.

Sorry Daddy Jack!
Love you.
Your Jill

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you forgot! Sounds like we both got in trouble this week! One of these days I'm going to go a whole month!, lol!! Maybe January? Since it's clearly not December. =D
    Hope you remember the candle next time!!
    Elle :)
