Saturday, December 1, 2012

Jack and Jill's Favorite DD Website

Hello fellow DD'ers!
Just a little note to say that our favorite and most inspirational blog site has now become a full- fledged website!!
Yes! Learning Domestic Discipline has now become a brand new website!!
 Clint and Chelsea at Learning Domestic Discipline have been such an inspiration to our relationship.
We have learned so much about Domestic Discipline, and it is because of them,
that we are on our way to a wonderful new way of communicating!!
The Learning Domestic Discipline blog has guided many couples to new horizons - so a new website is just a wonderful blessing!

You can find it here:

Thanks Clint and Chelsea
and best wishes to all DD'ers

Jack's Jill

PS - Don't forget that there is also a DD forum too! 


  1. Wow, thanks so much Jack's Jill! We appreciate the kind words. :)


  2. Thank you Chelsea!

    Hugs from Jill (and Jack)

  3. Great post! I love LDD too!!
